Saturday, September 4, 2010

a three day weekend

jason has been gone a lot lately.  he assists the marching band after school 3 days a week and then has to go to games because of that.  today he is in tallahassee at a florida benjamin and lauren and i headed to a nearby beach.  i'm not sure of the name of the beach...perdido beach maybe.  it's minutes away from us, and even closer to the school i teach at.  we had a really nice time.  sunshine, blue skies, white sand, easy waves...
lauren is a fan of the sand.  within minutes of taking off her shoes she is sugar-coated with it. 
benjamin played a little bit with the sand, but his happy place is in the water.
just a view to the right of us.  a perfect day to spend at the beach.
ben spent most of his morning in the shallow area.  he loves it when waves come crashing into him.
lauren has issues with water.  she avoided us while we were in the water and whined when i tried to get her in.  we finally started searching for shells in the waves and the little lady came around.  by the end of our morning she was jumping into waves and "swimming". 
this isn't lauren.  we met a cute family with a toddler who is a month younger than lauren named larkin.  lauren kept telling her that her name was lauren olson.  larkin eventually joined benjamin for some wave-action.  cute, huh?  i'm hoping to get back again before heading to school on tuesday.  nice weather is in our forecast.
life is good.  i count my blessings.

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