Monday, September 6, 2010

weekend full of sunshine

what a beautiful weekend we've had!  i'm sad that our three days together are up (as of tomorrow).  we've tried to make the most of our time and the great weather. 

darci and i spent awhile at perdido beach yesterday while the kiddos were napping.  jason graciously stayed home with them.  darci played with the clams that were hiding in the sand.  i told her to take a few happy clams home with her.

after trying a new mexican place for dinner, we headed to a really nice children's park.  i know benjamin and lauren miss the wonderful (and abundant!) parks we had in new ulm.  it was getting dark so we didn't stay as long as they would have liked.
ben was a big fan of these bells.  he kept coming back to them.

ben was thrilled to learn that he wasn't getting shocked on the slides.  that's his first prerequisite for attempting a slide.  that made for one happy and adventurous boy!
jason and his kiddos testing out the drums

this morning the four of us headed back to perdido beach.  jason walked out a ways into the water with one kiddo in tow.  they loved it!  meanwhile the other stayed on shore with me. 
i think i caught lauren in the middle of a dance here.  she knows there's never a wrong time to get some movement going.  that's my girl!

1 comment:

The Withers Family said...

love the pics :) glad to see that ben is still a twins fan! miss ya!