Sunday, October 31, 2010

happy halloween

what a busy and FUN halloween!  after church, lauren and i went to a classmate's birthday party where she was able to ride a pony.  a first for her...and she loved it, although when she saw i was attempting a picture she quickly put on her upset/sad/pouty face that she has perfected. 

and then some trick-or-treating!  we drove to gulf breeze and had a great time visiting houses that were all decked-out for halloween.  lauren had a rough start (missed her much-needed nap because of the party), but quickly snapped out of it once the candy starting filling her pumpkin!  the weather was just beautiful and we all had fun.
 tinkerbell.  she refused to wear her costume to school, so this was the first time she sported it.

 dr. olson. 
 darci joined us for the candy-collecting :)  ben's smile needs some work.  it's his picture smile.
 after a few houses they had the routine down, with lauren even beating benjamin to the door. 
 our lovely kiddos.  oh, notice lauren's bling.  one of the early trick-or-treat stops inisted on adding the ring to her costume.  she loves it!


lnz said...

the kids look so cute! Lauren and Adam MUST be related because he pouts when I try to take his picture and he refused to wear his costume until the 3rd house or so. Lauren is such a cute little tinkerbell!

Jason said...

This morning when I dropped Lauren off at school she made her pouty face. The director, Miss Stephanie, said, "Lauren, do you need some lovin'?" Lauren said, "Yeah, I'm hot and sick and hurt."