Monday, July 19, 2010

our days in new ulm are numbered...

yesterday the four of us found a great spot on washington street to watch the bavarian blast parade.  it's a great 1 1/2 hr long parade that we've attended for 3 years. 

benjamin and lauren were eagerly watching for the start of the parade.
i cannot get this picture to flip...even though it is saved correctly on my desktop.  the two kiddos were lounging before the start of the parade.  we had a bit of time to kill since you must arrive SO early to get a spot. 
for those of you out-of-towners, these are the narren.  although somewhat creepy up-close, they are a common sight at new ulm german festivals.  i thought they would freak out the kiddos for sure...
but benjamin gave this one a high-five!  with a smile even!
we are trying to get to our frog pool at nearby lincoln park as often as we can...since our days in new ulm are numbered.  the kids just LOVE this pool, and as parents we do too.  we will definitely miss this :(

jason is not as big as he might appear in this shot.  really.  one of the kids usually rides on his shoulders from the car to the pool.  today it was benjamin's turn.
and finally...bibles.  i have had these bibles for quite awhile, but just didn't want them to get destroyed so i held off.   but since lauren was so very interested in the gideon bibles in our hotels recently i decided to give in.  look at that excitement!

1 comment:

The Withers Family said...

so sad :( I hope we get to see each other before you leave. You can still STAY!!! :)