Saturday, September 25, 2010

seafood festival and lauren

tonight the four of us drove a few miles to downtown pensacola to take a peek at their annual seafood festival.  we had a nice night together.  the kiddos' highlight was probably the huge bubblemaker.  benjamin became a bit overwhelmed with all of the music and noise initially, but on the way back to the car he told us that he was "very happy".  that made my night! they changed the uploading process again and my pictures are in reverse order.  lauren now preferrs to wear a pigtail or two on schooldays.  one of her teachers did that for her one hot afternoon and now she loves the look:)  this was her response when i asked her to smile.
 lauren is just a nut.  she has this odd fascination with my underwear.  she likes to wear it.  don't worry...these have never been worn.
 back to the seafood fest.  the kiddos and the bubble machine.
benjamin and jason.  i love my family.

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