Wednesday, August 11, 2010

week 1

we had a really great time with my mom.  after a week and a half, she flew home this afternoon.  it didn't take long for lauren to ask where grandma was...

a few pictures from her week here...
lauren testing out grandma's toothbrush while hanging out in the tunnel.
we made a visit to an aviation museum.  it was pretty fascinating, especially for benjamin.  he is constantly on the lookout for helicopiters (his pronounciation) and airplanes so he was in heaven here.  basically we had a little tourguide on our hands.  you see him here pointing out the sites.
so much to touch and try out.
pensacola lighthouse
jason heading onto pensacola beach.
mom and her favorite daughter.  we are at the top of a lookout at a state park. 
LOVE lauren's face here.  she is a nut.  ben can't seem to find his natural smile these days.  i remember darci going through a similar phase so i am confident he'll find it someday.  here is grandma and her favorite kiddos.
we do have a lot of airplanes here.  we live right by the naval air station where the blue angels train.

today after taking mom to the airport we made our way to a beach.  it was clouding over, but we went anyways.  fun, until the wind picked up and starting pelting us with sand.  lauren loves the sand.  we've decided benjamin needs goggles in order to play at the beach.  i think that means a target-run is in order:)


lnz said...

I like your hair long! the beach pictures make me drool. lauren looks like adam in that top picture.

The Withers Family said...

there is target in florida? there is a god :) then i know you will think of me when you visit our favorite store!

darcilane said...

I believe I'm the favorite daughter...Mom just tells you that you are her fav for your sake:-) I do remember my awkward smile phase and pray Benja will come out of it like I did!! Benja and I have so much in common so I feel for the lil guy...