Tuesday, March 2, 2010

getting warmer...

the last couple of days have been warm(er) and sunny...giving us a chance to be outside for a bit. benjamin and lauren are just as eager as i am to spend our days out in the yard, of course minus the coats! spring is almost here...

as you can see, we still have a TON of snow...lots of melting to do :(

this one is a bit off-topic...lauren has been placing this rubber snake under the kitchen sink for awhile now. she'll leave it under there for a few days and then take it out, only to put him back in there later.

and here's the little guy.


lnz said...

seriously. lauren and adam MUST be related! Adam loves to stash odd possessions in odd places. Of course Lauren's is much more relevant. I'm sure she's trying to scare the bejesus out of Darci. tell Lauren to place it in the toilet next time.

Unknown said...

i bet that g-ma boots is going to love finding that snake there!! now, you just have to have lauren work on hiding the foot for g-ma boots to find!!!